Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Quality of My Life

Very rare 'mid-week' meeting today.  We have a number of new employees being set loose into the lanes, so I had a chance to attend.

We had an absolutely fantastic topic this early morning: 

"It's the quality of my life that determines my value."

My quality of life is... doing EXTREMELY better than it was about a year ago.  I'm getting so very close to a personal goal I set for myself. 

The new (now full time!) gig is a little "time" intrusive.  It takes a bit of a bite out of my quality of life. 

I did something extremely horrible last night that I will never forgive myself for.  I'd worked all day and was constantly thinking about dinner that day/night.  It was supposed to be pasta night.  (You see, we try and plan meals out in advance)... but... when I got home, the oven was running and a frozen pizza was the meal of the night.  I'd had this "vision" of a nice pasta night dinner in my head all throughout the day and I KNOW I took it out on my wife.  That was not my intention.  That was the older version of myself... and I don't know how to make it better.  I really need to revisit Step Four. 

Today's meeting was a very, very, VERY vivid reminder about how I can try even harder to make the quality of my life that much better.

I have Stef.  My quality of life is complete.
My value?  Being sober.

Getting so close to one year!  I do it... one day at a time.

Friday, March 3, 2017

This is for my ETERNAL Sweetie

Is this not us... or what?  I'm narrowing in on a year soon... just wanted to share this lovely moment. 

C'mon... this is/was/and hopefully be forever..  US... (Walter Gbson stuff coming soon!)   ;)