Wednesday, June 22, 2016

70 Days Sober. Eyeballs. Captain Jack.

I've been letting the blog get away from me in recent days.  I'm usually better than this.  I will try and do better.  Promise.

I'm sorry I missed a meeting this morning, but I had an appointment with an Ophthalmologist earlier today.  I didn't need new glasses or anything, but it was an appointment my regular Doctor wanted me to have to further check for diabetes.  Had I gone to a meeting, I could've said that I was/am 70 days sober.  That's pretty cool.  What's also cool is the fact that according to the Ophthalmologist, I don't appear to have diabetes either.  At least, not in the eyes.  So that's two good things today.

The two "sort of" outweigh thee one bad thing, which are dilated pupils.  I hoped to get out of it, but that's not possible when testing for diabetes.  So, it made for an interesting drive home.  I will have to cut this entry short, as the computer monitor is burning my dilated eyeballs out.

So, till they calm down, here's a picture of Captain Jack Harkness and some puppies.  Everyone say, "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww."


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