Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Heart's Still Beating A Mile A Minute

So, I nearly got rear-ended earlier this morning/afternoon.  I was on my way to a meeting that is a little out of my way, but it's a nice one regardless.  Myself, along with another person were clearly stopped at a red light when a panel van came careening down Farnsworth.  I was in the left lane and the other person was in the right.  THANK GOODNESS that for whatever reason there wasn't anybody in the left turn lane.  Had there been, this panel van would've plowed right into the back on me.

All I heard was the screeching of tires and saw in my rearview mirror this van sliding into the turn lane at the very last minute.  I looked over at the person in the right lane and we both made sure that the light was indeed red.  It was.  We then turned our attention to the van in the turn lane where the dude was giving US both the <censored> stink eye.  I pointed at the light, which was still red, and he backed off with the attitude.  (I HATE FABYAN PARKWAY!)

All I could think of was what I would've done had it been the old me.  I'd have either gotten out of the car or rolled down the window and had a few words.  I'm pretty stunned I still didn't.  The light changed and he was lucky (I guess) that he got a turn arrow at the same time we got to go forward.  He clearly didn't want to make a left turn, but decided to do so any way.  I made it to my meeting without further incident.

So, that was the early part of the day.  Overnight/this morning was odd.  I've been out of IOP for two weeks now and for whatever reason I had a dream about being in a session somewhere along the way.  I'd have forgotten about it... but someone please tell me why my late cat Gromit was also in the meeting?!  He was just wandering around the chairs while Iggy was writing something on the dry erase board.  Weird.

I took an alternate route home to see what was out there in the possible job realm, but I didn't see much of anything in the industrial parks.  At least, not anything I'm remotely qualified for.  Lots of mechanic work out there for people adept at that.  <SIGH!.>

I think my heart finally started beating again about an hour and half after that entire auto incident.
Danger averted because the Gman was checking in to let me know he had his whiskers out for me?  Hard to call.  If so... thanks G!


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