Thursday, October 20, 2016

Late Again Blogging

I've been busy the past number of days, and every time I try to make time to blog, something gets in the way.  Namely work it seems.  I've got a screwy schedule due to training.  We've got some new apparatus called "Smog Daddy" being installed and I have to go back this evening for two hours, having already worked a shift this morning.  The same will be true for tomorrow and a portion of Saturday.  People are leaving, so I've got an uber-funky schedule next week that I'm not looking forward to.

But, on the plus side, it allowed me to attend some meetings this week.  I will go backwards and address as best as I can:

Yesterday was a meeting at Westminster.  There's normally a huge crowd for that one.  The topic involved all the time we spent (read: wasted) drinking and what we could've done had we'd been better people.  The second half of that topic included what is it we will be doing going forward, now that we're not drinking.  So, basically service work where applicable and attending meetings.

Monday morning was a day off for me, so I was able to attend my favorite meeting over at St. David's.  There's almost always a nice group there and our topic was the "daily tune up".  Basically, are we doing our morning and evening meditations and following up on our progress.  I make it a point to try and do both every day, but it depends on how tired I am when I wake up.  For the most part, I'm successful.  (On a side-note, I also technically celebrated my six months sober anniversary.  I didn't claim it on Saturday or Sunday, but I claimed it on Monday.)

Sunday was the normal Open Speaker meeting, and one of the guys from my home group on Saturdays spoke.  Jack's been in the program a very long time and it was nice to hear his story.  I read the "How it Works" pages again.  That's always fun.

Saturday was the usual home group session.  Lyn was there and we had to push back on my next Step progression.  What with my training this week and the now funky schedule next week, it's going to have to wait again.  But, like Lyn said, there's no rush.  It's a marathon, not a race.

So, that's it for now.  I'm going to try and relax before I have to head back on out to training.  Yahoo.

One Day at a Time.

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