Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Four Days = Four Meetings

My new gig has allowed me quite a number of days to attend meetings!  Whoo hoo!

Friday gave me one of my favorite meetings at St. David's and it helped to build upon previous Step meetings I've attended.  (I'm still working on Step 4... but I like to think I am doing much better for Step 10... by making it a point to admit when I am wrong.

Saturday was my normal meeting at my home group with my Sponsor... always a good thing... and it was a meeting to do with Sponsors and the support they offer us.  Lyn's great in that regard.  He's ultra-easy to speak to and has been an absolute blessing in my life.  A fact that I told him when the meeting ended.  I also spoke briefly with Miguel about service work.  They have monthly meetings at Westminster, so I am thinking about volunteering for a position.  It would go a long way to completing the 12th Step... and my psychiatrist and I were talking about doing something along those lines.  I believe I am ready for that now.  :)

Sunday was a meeting with someone I know fairly well.  I see Shelly most Saturdays and it was her turn to speak in front of the Open Meeting.  It was nice to see a huge contingent of Saturday folks there to show their support. 

Monday was a state holiday so I got the day off.  (Paid too!  Granted not the whole day... but still...)  The day off afforded me a chance to hit St. David's again.  The general conversation was about our experiences with newer members and whether or not we openly speak with them... or... to put a finer point on it... do we make "LISTEN" to what they have to say.  I've been in the program a while now... and I work very hard to make new people feel welcome.  I do listen and I do comment on their input.  So, I suppose I do indeed try and spread the message to other alcoholics.  It's a nice feeling.

Stef commented after Sunday's meeting that she's starting to understand what it is I was previously going through... during my previous half-assed attempt.  That was nice to hear, as she didn't have to say anything... but it was still nice.  I can't dwell on what happened.  I can only be the best possible person I've started to become.  (If that makes any sense.  It does to me, so that's all that matters presently.)

Another day sober!  One Day at a Time!

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