Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Meetings. Me Being Me. Cubbies! Expensive Cars. And Other Stuff.


On Saturday I got to spend some additional time with my sponsor Lyn as we discussed my 4th Step.   After our meeting, we went into one of the satellite rooms and had an honest discussion.  We'll do so again this upcoming Saturday.  My 5th Step meeting will require me to (probably/possibly) meet with an actual priest to admit my faults to that God portion.  (Lyn's going to see if he can arrange something.)  I haven't done an actual confessional conversation with a priest in decades, so we'll need to augment/edit my character defects. 

The general topic of Saturday was Love and Tolerance.  L&T for those of us IN the program and those that are OUTSIDE of the program.  All in all, it was a good meeting for me.  I have L&T for the people that I deal with on an AA basis... and I'm working on extending that L&T to those around me.

I expressed my 'pride' moral defect with Lyn... but is it wrong that I can actually exercise it for the benefit of others?  I personally think I handled the portion of those "outside of the program" in a grand fashion when I footed a coworker (Nestor) a fair amount of cash while we were being fed during a training session at work this past week.  Nestor wasn't part of the initial training meetings and apparently no one told him to come with cash in hand to help pay for the meal.  Jose ordered a TON of food from a place he knows quite well... and it was DYNAMITE food... still and all, no one told Nestor that we all had to pitch in.  Seven pounds of pork costs a lot, so rather than witness him sitting there watching the rest of us eat, I pitched in enough cash for him to eat.  (Is that my moral pride defect or just me being a decent human being?  I didn't see anyone else pitching in some coin.  Cheap bastards.)  

SIDENOTE:  I did the same thing a few years ago for a VERY DEAR friend of mine, Bill, when the Coven adjourned our daily work functions to have lunch at a Naff-Naff location.  Neither of us had eaten there before and Bill was stunned that they wanted nearly six bucks for a meager bowl of <censored> soup.  He only bought a bottle of water.  There I was with an entire corned beef sammich, pickles and chips.  I had to force the guy into accepting one half of the sammich... and never EVER asked for reimbursement, but it all worked well in the end.  I do miss Bill greatly, as he was one of the last true male friends I've ever had, and often wonder what he'd have said about my current sobriety.  He'd have been there for me.  I say hi when I do my nightly meditations.  (I'd like to think he'd like that.) 

On Saturday night, I blubbered like a moron... but I have an entire city with me, as the Cubs advanced to the freaking World Series.  An entire city... several generations of fans... and myself NEVER thought we'd see the day!  But, I digress.

Sunday was a great open meeting as the speaker came in from the city region and shared a great story!  I only wish more of those open meetings could be like that!  A great speaker and a lovely shared story.

Meanwhile, at work, I had a chance to test a car that cost more than two of the last houses my name was legally attached to!  Some guy pulled into the lot in a freaking McClaren P4!!!  I didn't even see the thing as it's built so low to the ground.  There were barely 5,000 miles on the thing, and one wonders two things.  1.)  Who has over a quarter of a million dollars for a car... and 2.)  Apart from the emission test spot... where do you even drive it?  It's not exactly designed for the Kennedy or the Dan Ryan!  The photo beneath is what I exactly tested.

Today's meeting at Westminster was another nice one!  I'm just fortunate enough to have had a Wednesday off to be able to attend.  The general topic was having found a place where I belong and being able to share.  That sentiment is SO enormously true!  I said so today and was supremely happy to be part of the discussion.

I'm presently in a good place.  I have Lyn and my AA friends to thank for that.  A very good place.  And I will deal with it as I've been dealing with it:

One Day at a Time.  :)

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