Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 - In Review - UPDATED

Well... so much to discuss.

2016 started out with me being drunk a lot of the time.  I nearly ruined my marriage early on and spent the entirety of January at my parent's house.  On the plus side, I was able to attend multiple meetings down the street in Streamwood.  Fat lot of good that did, as when I was allowed to come back home, I went straight back to my old ways.

I attended an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for the next few weeks or so... and that went fairly well for a brief while, before, yet again, my nasty habit poked its head through.  I got sent to In Residence therapy for nearly a month, where it was sort of a men in prison atmosphere, but I was at least in a place on people also suffering from the same disease.

Once out, I was immediately put back into IOP with the guy who pretty much saved my life.  Ignatius.  I returned to his room/class/sessions and it was different that time around.  I was back in multiple meetings, I got a really good sponsor, and once IOP was done I attended After Care.  While I "wish" I could say After Care was as much of a success... I felt myself wanting more.  2016 didn't end well with my After Care therapist (as can be read here) and I am in line to find a new provider in 2017.

Apart from that stuff... I've been doing exceptionally well.  I've found some meetings that are conducive to me.  I've made some decent friends.  I've got a job... (working on improving that one!)  And, I'm not nearly as emotional as I used to be.  Considering the losses we've suffered in 2016... that is a marvel in and of itself.

I was going to do a gallery of celebs we lost in 2016... but I don't think Blogger would allow that many photos inserted into a post... so... I will just briefly go over some of the losses here:

OH MY STARS... where to begin?!?  These are in no order, but commentary will follow:

Pat Harrington  (Schneider on One Day at a Time.)  A common face growing up.
David Bowie!  (An idol.  That hurt!"
Alan Rickman!  (Another idol.  That hurt too.)
Dan Haggerty (Gizzly Adams.)  Not a huge fan, but he was a part of childhood.
Glen Frey!  (Wow!  I didn't even know he was sick!)
ABE VIGODA!  (He was supposed to be Celebrity Eternal!)
George Gaynes  (If you saw Police Academy you know him!)
George Kennedy (If you saw Airplane/Naked Gun... you know him!)
Nancy Reagan.  (Not a fan of her husband's term(s)... but still...)
Garry Shandling!  (Shocker!  Great comedian!)
Patty Duke
Prince (Not exactly his biggest fan...but wow!  That was a shocker!)
Morley Safer (TEXTBOOK anchor back in school!)
Muhammed Ali (THE GREATEST!)
Noel Neill (The original Lois Lane from early television.  She also cameoed in Christopher Reeves' first film and Brandon Routh's film.)
Gene Wilder  (How many idols can one lose in  a year?!  Too many!)
Robert Vaughan (Met him.  Got a photo with him.  Nicest actor ever!)
Arnold Palmer
Florence Henderson (America's mom!)
Fidel Castro (Not America's dad!!)
Janet Reno
Fritz Weaver (Character actor.  Did a lot of Twilight Zones and the best single story in the movie Creepshow "The Crate".)
Ron Glass (Two Barney Miller people in one year!  GASP!)
Van Williams!  (The Green Hornet... oh, C'MON!)
John Glenn (American Hero Supreme!)
Alan Thicke (I suppose we can call him America's (Canada's?) dad)
Bernard Fox (Doctor Bombay!)
Kenny Baker (R2D2)
Carrie Fisher (Shocking loss of Princess Leia.)
George Michael  (Again, not a huge fan... but wow!)
Zsa Zsa Gabor (Famous for being famous, I guess.)
Debbie Reynolds (One day after her daughter Carrie Fisher!)
<strike>Donald Trump</strike>  (Oh!  Sorry!  Ahem!)
Update:  Oh, and 2016 couldn't end without one final actor:
William Christopher (Father Mulcahey from M*A*S*H)

Iknow I've mssed far too many more!  Here's hoping for a happier 2017!

Happy New Year!

One Day at a Time!

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