Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What a Treat Today!

After a few weeks of weird-ass work schedules and equally weird-ass weather, I got to have a day off and I spent part of it at a meeting.  I'm really happy that happened.  (Not because I've had/got thoughts of drinking, mind you.)  It was just really exceptionally nice to attend.  What it being a somewhat holiday week, there was a decent sized crowd.

The topic today was about divisions and wholes.  How we, as alcoholics, lived a divided life when we were abusing, and the after-effects of what we've become now.  So:  As close as we can come to being whole.  I dug that part of the meeting.

We didn't have many newbies from the courthouse today, so I got to spend the time with folks who actually wanted to be there.  I think that's what made it nice for me. 

There were enough people to split up into two groups and we were able to share in a more enclosed environment about our "divided" issues.  It was reminiscent of my days at In Patient and I.O.P.  The bit about drinking being more important than anything else for us.  (I'm still working on my mega-wordy Year In Review post, so I will lay out that entire poo-load of TMI in a week or so, but it's coming.)  My point being here is that I (we) don't even think like that any more!  I loved that part.

Our attendance and being active at meetings contributed to the "whole" aspect.  Again, I loved that after what I feel was such a long time away.  I'd go on here more, but some of the things shared today are not mine technically to divulge.

Still and all...  

I'm in a really good place at the moment internally.  I don't give any sort of credence to those drinking thoughts.  Am I eating worse than I've ever done before?  Yes.  But one freaking obstacle at a time!  LOL!  A New Year is around the corner... I can always make... GASP!... a resolution!  I got one personal fault at bay.  Maybe I can make Chicago-style hotdogs and Gyros a resolution for 2017!)  Yeah, right.   

Fantastic group!  Fantastic topic!  Just a really, really nice day for me.  (It makes freezing to death yesterday at work worthwhile.)

SIDENOTE:  Stef got me this really cool Eskie Rescue hat as an early Christmas present which a couple of people commented on.  I had to explain that while I wasn't precisely a part of Chicagoland Eskie Rescue, I did indeed participate.  (So there's a Christmas gift well received, my love, if you're reading!)

I ran some needed errands and am about to start scallops and spinach.  What's wrong with that, right?

I remain (THANKFULLY!) One Day at a Time!  T-Minus 5 days and counting till NEW WHO!


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