I had today as a paid day off... so it allowed me to attend one of my favorite Monday meetings. It was also a milestone for me as I claimed it as my 10 Month Anniversary. I got a round of applause, which I deferred to, as the older "me" would've loved that bit. I didn't do anything anyone else in that group hadn't already done... but it was still nice to be recognized. The St. David's gang doesn't do anniversary chips and I frankly don't mind. In my early days of sobriety I collected them like I did casino chips, and that was never the point.
But it was a nice day for me nonetheless.
Stef and I attended the open meeting at Provena yesterday... and it was quite a bit better than the one we attended on Super Bowl Weekend. But still... we have our rules at closed meetings and I have a hard time listening to people who have "other" addiction issues as open speaker. BUT... as I've said here numerous times... open meetings are somewhat more lapse/loose/whatever. The gal speaking did finally come to a topic... however loosely related it was.
My meeting this morning was a closed one, so we could only deal with the topic at hand. Nice topic it was, too.
Simply... merely... be expectant. Expect better things. I'm really in a good 'zone' right now. I'd "love" to say I don't think about the act... but that'd be a lie. I do. I just no longer act on it. That is a miracle to me. I'm a hell of a lot happier these days.
What was the last thing said in today's meeting? Something along the lines of... growing old happily is to expect better things than you ever had before... (something like that...) Today's topic was sorta Leo Buscaglia in that it dealt with growing and expanding my life.
So, ten months. (I'm debating whether or not to claim that at the Open Meeting... it doesn't always mean as much to them as to us.) But still... Yay me! One Day at a Time.
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