Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lots of Work. No Meetings. But an Update Regardless.

I've been working the entire week, which is a good thing, and it was nice to have a five day work week.  The drawback, as mentioned in my last post, is that it cuts into my meeting attendance.  I couldn't make my normal weekday meeting time slots, so, it's been me reading my book, working on my Fourth Step and meditating in both the morning and evening.  That's been helpful.  I did attend meetings over this past weekend.  I sat with my backup sponsor Gary again, as Lyn is still out and about.  Sunday was a very good meeting with a guy whose story I could relate to regarding the hidden dangers of working from home when one is an alcoholic.  I didn't go through the sheer numbers he went through, but I did my fair share of damage.  Good meeting overall, though.

I have meetings this weekend, so that's also good.  On top of that, I have my scheduled appointment with my Psychiatrist on Wednesday before I head off to work.  I had a Doctor's appointment after work the other day.  Some of my numbers are leveling out nicely, and Dr. L mentioned that he could see my remarked improvement in my blood and urine numbers.  So, yay!  :-)

Busy, busy, busy otherwise!. 

It's the end of the month and we were inundated at work with people waiting to the absolute 11th hour before testing their vehicles before renewing their stickers.  That gamble didn't pay off today for a number of cars in my lane today.  With only one day left in the month... there were quite a number of failed vehicles... leaving them... "technically" a little under 24 hours to get the things repaired and retested.  Granted, that's not the true case... they'll probably get extensions, but they're still going to have to wait in line again... and after tomorrow... it all starts up again.

I had two interesting cars today.  One was a hearse.  That was really early this morning and I noticed that the other attendants seemed to disappear into their booths for quick cleaning and straightening, leaving my lane with a visible attendant.  It was a nice Cadillac and it wasn't like the driver opted to veer off for a test with an occupant in the back.  I don't know what their deal was.  The second car was my first one with a driver in possession of one of those Alcohol-breathalyzer inhibitors installed.  The rules are that I have to call a manager out to do it.  The driver explained that there was only so much time before he turned the engine off that we could perform the test before restarting the vehicle... or some such... for whatever reason, he couldn't leave the vehicle for any amount of time, so he had to quickly rush out, head for the passenger seat and get back in... before the test could begin.  ANYHOOTS... when all was said and done, he passed.  Once he was back in the driver's seat, it was just he and I.  For a brief moment, I was going to say something in response to his don't drink and drive comment... but I thought better of it.  We're supposed to be anonymous, of course.  So, I left it alone.

Overall, the job is "ok".  It's not rocket science, but it's a paycheck at the moment.  I've had some fun customers/motorists for the most part.  I've seen some pooches in the cars I've tested.  (Three so far as of today.)  I had a lovely African American woman order her son to give me a piece of fried chicken from the box he was holding in the passenger seat.  (No can do, I said.  But I did tell little Darnell that he could have my piece.)  That was funny.  The skunk over my the railroad tracks this morning was not, though.  The smell finally let up around ten a.m.

So, that's at least a small update on what's been going on.  I'll post more after my upcoming weekend meetings.

One Day at a Time.

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