Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Other Meaning of AA and Work

Oh, wow!  I've been busy.  What was it that my dearest of friends John Webb used to say?  I'm busier than a beaver with two tails.

I attended meetings earlier in the week, but I also had to work.  The new gig is exactly that... a gig.  BUT... I have to say that I'm getting better at the actual gig.  I've presently lucked out with hours this week and next.  I'm doing the 7:30AM start time.  I can get into a comfortable groove with that sort of start time. 

It does, however, put something of a crunch on my meetings.  I did attend my standard weekend meetings.  Saturday wasn't anything out of the ordinary that I can recall... looking back on it on a Thursday, mind you.  Sunday was a good meeting.  No... strike that... a great meeting.  We had a fantastic speaker.  On Monday I was able to attend my usual St. David's gathering.  It was nice to see Tom back in the fold.  Tuesday was my day off, so I was able to go to what might've been my last meeting over in Geneva. 

THAT meeting was interesting as we don't often get a speaker.  On Tuesday we did.  It was an older gentleman by the name of Dan and he was celebrating fifteen (15) years sober.  GOOD FOR HIM!  He was the person who coined part of today's header... 'the other meaning of AA'...

Dan said that it stood for Assholes with an Attitude.

OK... guilty as charged... but I am doing much better!!! 

Like I said, it's somewhat unusual to have a speaker at those Geneva meetings.  But, being that close to the courthouse... it might not be a bad idea.  Still... a good meeting.

The rest of my week (and as of the time of this typing) have been spent at work.  I'm comfortable with the gig.  I do have a few issues with it stepping over my usual meeting schedule.  But... it will all work itself out in the end.  Maybe not next week as I have an entire week of 7:30 start times. 

I have appointments scheduled with both my regular Doctor and my Psychiatrist... so that will still need to be addressed... but both should be happy with my current state of being/mind.  YAY!

I remain...

One Day at a Time.  :)

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