Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Amends and Catechism

Oh, boy.. do I have some days to reconcile... There was the holiday weekend and then my first day in training for the new gig. But let's go back shortly in time to discuss my weekend meetings. Saturday was nice as I got a few minutes to speak with Lyn. Granted, he told me that he'd be gone for the next couple of weeks... but still... a good talk. Saturday's topic involved "making my life better"... and I'm in perpetual motion for 'making my life better'. I don't see any of that calming itself any time soon... but still... a good meeting regardless. Sunday's was the first of the month Al-Anon / AA combo meeting. While they're good meetings all around... can we please EQUALLY share the time parameters?!? The Al-Anon people tend to speak longer than they should. (Meh. Small complaint, I guess.) Monday, Labor Day, was a good meeting. The topic was making amends to people we only ever had a "brief" encounter with. (Amends with casual people we may have wronged.) I would need the Loop's 50,000 watt transmitter to apologize to those people I hurt during my mega-drinking days! There aren't enough watts on the planet to apologize to Stef... and I didn't really have a moment on the holiday to apologize to her cousins and extended family. It was probably wise as there were other things going on... and my personal crap is the LEAST of their worries... so... I sign off with nothing major to say apart from... my catechism is me working on my life, my one serious relationship, and my one daily prayer that I be a better person than as I started... does that make sense?

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