Thursday, April 7, 2016

Bumper Sticker Logic

We had a very productive meeting this morning in group.. but I have to place all if it on the back-burner having left the facility.

We were talking about highs and lows between using and not using... and how our entire circle of family/friends deals with it all.... I can't make them understand or comprehend what I am going through... but I can help them along their way of dealing with the defect that is me.

All well and good!  Me, personally, I have to deal with the fact that I will never ever be perfect... and that everyone around me will have to try and figure out (in their own ways/terms) how to deal with me from this point forward. 

It's all about ebbs and waves and whatever other psycho-babble Iggy went through out today.  But I understood where he was coming from.

I found it HYSTERICAL driving home this afternoon.  Someone had this three-tiered sticker on their car.  I simply cannot remember what the first statement was... but I remember the second and third.

#2 - Grow something.  (Fair enough.  We're working on that item.  I'd love nothing more than an herb garden that produces food I can actually use.

#3 - MY FAVORITE... "Don't be a dick." 

That comment, despite the several hours we sat there and spewed nonsense, made the most sense to me.  It came on a bumper sticker.  I liked it and thought I'd share.

And speaking of sharing, Stef showed me a photo of a feline that is the clone of my late son... I really, really, really want to adopt him... make him a forever home... but how could I do that to a feline knowing in my heart I only adopted him because he was a replica?!?

I want another cat so badly... but I know in my heart I am not ready.  At least not where an older feline is involved.

I got to raise Gromit from a kitten.  We bonded.  We came to a human/kitty agreement.  I sincerely don't think I have it within me to devote that sort of love/time/effort into a kitten... let alone an older cat.

What do I know?  The Arctic Hushpuppy will have to do for now as I consider whether or not I am ready for another cat.

(Monday's meeting ought to be fun...LOL!)

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