Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Can You See Your Ears Without A Mirror?

I had never heard the blog title statement prior to today.

In essence Iggy said that it all boiled down to looking at yourself in a mirror and accepting/liking what you see.  I have to admit... I like what I see.

Today is one month.  (YAY ME!)

We're talking one total month total here.  It's not like the first month (or others that preceded) where I had funding and opportunities to acquire beer whenever and wherever I wanted to.  I'm talking one solid month.

I will not make a big "to-do" about it this evening, but part of me wants to light some candles during dinner just to recognize the date... but that would be too self-indulgent, all things having been said.  And, we already covered that basic point of conversation in today's session.

So, for today, I will take the light round of applause from the group as a stepping stone.  I'm doing well.

P.S. - If anyone out there can tell me via private message what the hell I am doing wrong with hash-browns or potatoes O'Brien... I'd love to hear your comments.  I made them EXACTLY like the package called for and they still turned out mushy.  I even overcooked them... but I never got a crispy edge or char... WTF?!?  They turned out all right for a burrito before I left this morning... but they were still not up to par.  So, now more breakfast for dinner for now!  HARUMPH!

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