Monday, April 11, 2016

Recovery & Sports - If You Don't Practice...You Can't Win

One of the group today mentioned today's title in his weekend round-up. He likened recovery to participating in sports.   I thought it was nice so I used it.   

Good weekend all in all.  Spent Friday night home with the Arctic Hushpuppy and fixed a painting.  Saturday brought my usual meeting.  It wasn't the greatest meeting, but it wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination. 

Now, Sunday's open meeting was one of my favorites in a long time.  The gentleman speaking had a fairly similar story to mine and I managed to have a very brief chat with him afterwards.  One, to thank him for a great session... and two, to thank him for using a term I had only just used in my Recovery session not a few days prior.  He said that even after all this time, he was a work in progress!  I nearly laughed out loud having only just said the same thing.

I shared that during my weekend recap portion today and it went over pretty well.  We had a number of new folks in the group today, so a lot of what we'd normally talked about had to be put slightly aside to welcome the new guys.

On a personal note, I'm fairly close to being put on an early discharge from I.O.P. to the "After Care" program.  With the new people there this morning, I had to reschedule my consultation with Iggy for a day or so...  he is pleased with my progress and participation.  I have redoubled my efforts to securing a gig as we discussed today "what comes next". 

One of our group is having severe mom and grandma issues, and Iggy pushed back some of the after session meetings he had with others in our group to deal with her.  So, that's why I had to push mine back as well.  Totally understandable.  "J"'s a nice 'kid' (21)... but she's living in a toxic environment with (as I mentioned) her mom and grandmom... who will not let her out of their sight for more than ten minutes.  They normally park next to Fury One (our car)... and grandma appears to be of the judgmental sort of the rest of us exiting the building.

None of my business, but I was able to offer some simply... I hesitate to use the word... 'tactics' for "J" to use, but if they are going to police every move she makes and insist on driving her places so they can keep tabs on her... schedule as many meeting you can throughout each day of the week.  Make them sick of having to drive you anywhere.  It was just a silly suggestion that got at least a smile out of this kid, a general laugh from the gang and an agreeing nod out of Iggy.

Just trying to help as best I can.

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