Monday, April 4, 2016

Ho-Ho's and Zingers and Ding-Dong's.... Oh My!

Today's Monday morning group was not for the sugar intolerant!  "T" came in with boxes, and I mean boxes of Hostess snack cakes!  Apparently, Cermack-Mart (as Stef and I call it) liquidates excess boxes over the weekends... and she picked them up for a song.  So, everyone this morning was on a pretty impressive sugar high.

It was the typical Monday meeting.  We all shared our weekend events, and as mine was an anniversary weekend, I had nothing but good things to say.  I was in close proximity to the woman I adore.  We got do a number of things together.  We got to go out and have an actual dinner together.  I had my standard meetings over the of which she attends and I love her for it... and I had my Walker season finale.  (That last bit wasn't as important as all the other stuff that happened.)

Once we did the round robin... and that took nearly our entire session... some of us had our weekly one-on-one meeting with Iggy.  Myself included.  He told me that he feels I am doing well in group.  (YAY ME!)  I was not prepared for a comment that followed...

I don't attend Friday meetings at group as I am a good student and attend the days I am required to show up.  However, he has to be there on Fridays for the people doing make-up meetings and newbies showing up for the program.

Iggy informed me that he used a major point I was trying to make last week throughout his entire Friday session.  That was the bit about me planning things out several steps out in advance rather than giving in to your urges. 

I wasn't prepared for that!  Nor was I prepared for sweetness-inducing queen "T" saying that the exact same comment made her weekend with her daughters all that much easier.

Holy frijoles and a side order of guacamole to boot, I did some actual good with the not just my group... but with a group I hadn't event met.

All I will say is that's pretty cool.  :-)

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