Wednesday, August 31, 2016

After Care. The Shingles Return. The Fusion. Today's Meeting

After Care went well, so I'm going to start there. Jim and I had a lot of topics to cover, and we managed to get to most of them in our time together. It helps that he's in AA also, but his support is obviously psychiatric first, then he offers other AA support as needed. He was happy that I still managed to attend meetings over the weekend, and told me that I could also call him at any time if I need to. That was good to know. My homework is to revisit the first three steps and work on them more intensely, but also to keep working on my fourth step, but steps one through three require more urgent attention at the moment.

I woke up yesterday feeling a little off, but I chalked that up to the weather. I thought it was just the rain. When I got into the shower before heading off to see Jim, I noticed that the Shingles had returned. Yahoo. They're pretty brutal this time. It's on the same side and in the same area as last time, but it's a much more ugly shade of red and hurt worse than before. I was fortunate enough to still have one last pill on hand, so I was able to at least get that going right away. I was also lucky that I still had refills, so I phoned that in before my appointment. I had to pick up other meds at the same location anyway, so I got them all at the same time. I hope it clears up as quickly as last time. We'll see.

The Fusion is in the shop for some much needed brake work. It's also been leaking fluid onto the driveway and was told by Russ our mechanic that it's not oil, but the transmission line. Apparently it had rusted through. It did shift funny on my way back home yesterday. So, we dropped it off at our normal place for the brakes first thing this morning. He's going to drive it over to another place for the transmission, as Russ doesn't do that sort of work in his shop. We're hopeful to have this back by Friday. Otherwise that could make Tuesday a little more interesting.

I dropped Stef off for work and drove her car home and hopped into the shower, so I had time to make my Wednesday meeting. This is the big one that usually breaks off into four separate groups for further discussion. I've been sharing more at meetings these days and I spoke earlier today about my disappointment in myself and my behavior. The folks in the group said some of the usual things that are said at most closed meeting like "Keep coming back." "One day at a time." It was nice to hear "It gets better." It was also nice to get hugs from people I really don't know that well, but who were there to lend me support when I was done speaking. That helped along with my appointment with Jim yesterday.

That's about it for now. I'm still working One Day at a Time.

Nothing overly funny to post picture-wise. I just wanted to share this fan art someone did for the late Gene Wilder. I said for years that Willy Wonka was clearly a Time Lord. A permanent home on this blog seemed like as good a place as any to keep it in perpetuity.

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