Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day. A Rare Tuesday Off. A GREAT Topic.

So... I'm hopeful that our LONG national nightmare is over tonight... but I have a hinky feeling it won't be.  (I will defer to our President, Bill Maher and John Oliver to share their opinions...as mine equal theirs)

We voted first thing this morning.  We also took a somewhat hesitant photo of Tegan the Eskie in the leaves this morning before our days started out in earnest.

I don't often get an early weekday like today off... let alone paid... so it was nice to be able to attend a Tuesday luncheon meeting back over in Geneva.  :)  I'm glad I did.  Today's topic dealt with our collective inferiority complex. 

That was one of my major points of discussion with my sponsor Lyn as I was working through Step Four.  My ego.  My selfishness... (which was touched upon this past weekend at my Home Meeting)... and let's just be real here... my just being inferior thanks to my drinking.

WHAT THE <CENSORED> was I trying to prove, eh?  Not a damn thing.  As I look back upon this with a decent chunk of change behind me sobriety-wise... I really had nothing to feel inferior about.  I have (STILL GRATEFULLY HAVE!) the love of my best friend... nothing more needs to be said.  WTF was I trying to do or prove?

I have nothing to feel inferior over!  It's as simple as that.

I remain clean.  I remain sober.  I remain... ONE DAY AT A TIME!  (Now there is something worth striving towards!  OK...and an election win.  Yes.  I get that!) 

It's going to be a LONG... (yet sober) night.  :)

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