Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Holidays Got the Better of Me

Whoo boy!  Some time got away from me what with the Thanksgiving holiday and work!  This blog took a marginal beating.  So, let's see what we can do to rectify that situation!

I had a funky schedule with the holiday, but it did allow me a chance to attend one of my more favorite AA meetings on Wednesdays.  Given that it was the day before Thanksgiving, the topic at Westminster last week was about... GASP!... what things we were thankful for!  (Where do they come up with these topics?!?)  All silliness aside, I voiced that I was, of course, thankful for being sober and for the continued love and support of Stef.

The holiday itself went off pretty well, actually.  We just had Stef's boss and husband over.  I deep fried this year.  All turned out amazingly well, even if I do say so myself.  Yes, it was a ton of work, but I can actually say with no fear of contradiction, that it was the first year I'd done it completely sober.  There wasn't even a moment throughout the entire day(s) of preparation and actual cooking, that I felt a need to do it while under the influence!  Bonus points all around for me! 

I also emailed Ignatius on that day to let him know that I was doing well and that I just wanted him to know that.  Still waiting on a response.  I have tomorrow (Wednesday) off, and will do a more thorough job of sifting through my emails.

I messed up my meeting timeframes on Black Friday and had to work Saturday, so no meetings attended on those two days.  However, we both managed to attend the Sunday meeting over at Provena.  I'm embarrassed to say that I don't remember the name of the man who spoke, but it was a good story overall.

I had a weird shift yesterday, so I was able to attend my St. David's meeting.  I really like that one.  With it being after the holiday, there weren't that many people, which always makes it that much more personal.  The general topic was an 'after holiday' reading about being gracious to God for his/her help in our continued sobriety.

I have off tomorrow, so I can attend my Westminster meeting.  That's usually a big gathering, but there's almost always something to be had from the assembled crowd.

I have a message out to my sponsor Lyn about my Saturday morning work schedule.  I'll be missing out again this upcoming Saturday... and if the tentative schedule I saw today remains unchanged... I won't be there next week as well.  I just wanted Lyn to know that I haven't abandoned him or what I consider my home group.

Still... another day clean.  Another day sober.  :)  I'm not giving the concept any undue thought.  And that has it own rewards,

I sent the last of the turkey and ham out with Stef this morning.  There's some ham in the quiche I made last night... I just don't think I could stomach another round of turkey.  (Let our pal John chow down on that!)  LOL!

One Day at a Time!  (They do indeed add up!)

I don't "think" I used the following photo funny yet... if I did... sorry for the repeat!

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