Wednesday, November 16, 2016

You Know It's a Slow Work Day When...

So, it was my turn to bring in a couple of bags of candy to the lanes today.  We can't have proper food out in the lanes, but snack treats are allowed.  I bought a couple of bags of Werther Originals Caramel candies from Aldi.  All well and good.

Once the entire staff got there this morning I became the "Candy Man".  Both Harold and Jose were giving me early a.m. grief in song.  It was all fine. 

Now... we had a major lull in traffic for most of the morning... and as I'm sitting in my station (trying to stay warm)... I've got this silly little song going through my head.  The (no longer simply) puppy Rottweilers were having a grand fun day in their grassy pen next door.  And, as my dear friend, Leo Buscaglia once said... "MADNESS STRUCK."

I had the following going through my head throughout most of the day as they barked at our motorists:

"Who can take a clean lawn... sprinkle it with poo?
Bark at some neighbors and snarf a time or two?
The Teggie Dog can!
Yes... the Teggie Dog can!
The Teggie Dog can cause she spreads her Eskie love,
and let's you know she's Boo!"

Yeah.. working on that last line (we had a VERY SLOW day obviously)... but good luck getting those first few lines out of your head!  ;-)

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