Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Miss You Tons Grommie!

Oh, my.... so many days and so many meetings to go over!

Let's see... last Friday was a Step Meeting at St. David's, and that was fine for the most part.  A majority of the group were going over the election returns before we actually got to our main topic which is Step 11.  It's the weird time of the year for me when the meetings tend to deal with each step placed against the month.  While I'm trying to work each step into my day-to-day life... I'm not "quite" at number 11.  Still and all a good meeting.

Saturday was a marginal free for all.  At first there really  wasn't a topic, per se.  Everyone assembled was talking (yet again) about the election.  This portion sets itself against the traditions of AA.  (Politics are NOT supposed to play a part.)  Basically the meeting turned into a huge batch of people arguing over Facebook and wanted/unwanted topics.

Sunday was the usual open meeting.  The speaker was lovely... but probably needed another hour or so to bring things back around to the whole "what it's like now" aspect of the format.  I personally didn't get all that much out of it, but those meetings tend to happen.

Monday was a back to work day.  Nice enough, weather withstanding.

This morning was my monthly meeting with my psychiatrist.  He and I are taking it on a month by month basis.  I will be surprised if it makes it past December's meeting.  I personally feel that he's disinterested with our talks.  I shared everything that's happened since our last meeting, but again, he seemed aloof.  To his credit, he did say that I looked good and well rested. 

I certainly hope so, as I've been doing my best to be both.  I did share that today was the anniversary of Gromit's passing... and herein lies my issue with today... he didn't appear to care.  He's clearly not a pet person.  I could spend more than my session's worth of time going over how he thought I was lamenting over an animal... but I won't.  Pardon the <CENSORED> <CENSORED> out of me for caring about something and agonizing over his loss on today of all days. 

I'm more than "mildly" pissed at the moment.

There was time to attend a Geneva meeting today, so that calmed my nerves somewhat.

I am indeed deeply grateful for what the program of AA has done for me.  (Today's topic.)  I am also equally grateful for the world it has opened up to me!  I'm going to take that bit to heat with me tonight as I, still in my own way, mourn the loss of a friend of the likes I may never make again.


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