Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Smog Daddy Must Die

Wow.  What a roll out and what a day for Smog Daddy... and I mean that in the worst possible terms... but I didn't let it get the better of me... whereas, a while ago, it would've.  Judy is supremely lucky for sincerely apologizing to me and the others working today.  She nearly lost most of her crew and it wasn't even her own fault... but she needs to really work on her interpersonal skills. 

The state of Illinois launched a new emissions program today that was supposed to speed things up... but... like all things issued from the state level... it was a complete disaster.  Did Smog Daddy speed up the test process?  Somewhat.  Did Smog Daddy totally increase wait times, dump cars from the system, cancel out users, kick you out whilst manually entering VIN numbers... as the 10th Doctor would say... "Oh yes."

Here's hoping tomorrow will have a majority of the bugs worked out of the system.

I'm also working on some internal issues.  (TMI!)  I have an odd assortment of meds that bind me up in the most horrific way.  (DOUBLE TMI!!)  Thankfully, nothing happened during or after work today.  I'm hopeful that I can try and level things out throughout this evening and into tomorrow. 

I caught Lyn's son last night, as I needed someone to talk to, and have yet to hear back from him as of this typing.  At least I know he'll call as soon as he's able.  :)  Bless his heart. 

SO... on the uber plus side... another day sober... despite Smog Daddy!  HAH!  I beat you... you piece of shiznit.  (Personally I wouldn't want to be in the line over at the emissions place this afternoon.  It was about an hour wait when I left... and I had to work past my standard clock-out time.)

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