Tuesday, July 12, 2016

90 Days Sober and a Possibility

I'm very happy with myself today.  90 days sober.  That's pretty cool if I do say so myself... and I do.  (It's my blog... so go figure.)

It feels like it took longer to get to this particular anniversary and I don't know why.  I didn't claim it over this past weekend's meetings as the official date hadn't arrived yet, so maybe that has something to do with it.  I "briefly" mentioned it at yesterday morning's meeting, and I didn't attend one today.

My missing a meeting was for a good reason, though.  I had a job interview.  I'm fairly positive I can get the gig.  There's just some logistical stuff that needs to be addressed.  I have to think about a couple of different scenarios.  Matt, the guy interviewing me, was nice and liked our interaction from what I could gather at the time.  He made mention of going though the background check, so that's a step in the right direction.  More on this as it develops.

I saw the movie 'Clean and Sober' starring the one true Batman (Michael Keaton) was airing the other night, so I set it to tape.  I don't recall seeing it back when it first came out.  It was made either directly in front of Batman, or directly afterwards.  It's hard to call as Keaton had three films out that year.  Clean and Sober, Batman and that one where he and a bunch of guys from a mental institution go out on the town... or something like that.  Ah!  The Dream Team!  Thank you IMDB.  And it was the year before with Clean and Sober.  He also did Beetlejuice in 1988... so those were busy years for him.  ANYWAY... I haven't finished it yet and they took a few creative liberties with the sobriety/addiction storyline, and their depiction of sponsor/sponsoree relationships is a little off-kilter as well... but so far not a bad film.  I'll probably finish it this evening and it would be appropriate considering today's anniversary.

So, One Day at a Time!  It works!  It's working for me!  I feel really good... and a little hopeful in the gig realm.  As I said, I will keep the blog viewers posted.

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