Monday, July 25, 2016

Weekend Meetings & Borrowed Time

Had some good meetings on Saturday and Sunday.

We're going to either need a bigger room on Saturdays, split up into two different groups, or stagger two meetings on Saturday if that's the only room Gateway has available... and with the cafeteria being used by the residents... I can't think of another large room in that building.  Saturdays are becoming increasingly bigger.  The clientele is also getting younger.  I think the PHP groups must be letting out the folks that have completed their program.  That's two Saturdays where the First Timer portfolios made the circuit of the room for people to put their phone numbers down.  The one, well, kid couldn't have been older than 18... as he said he had the alcohol/addict combo platter going, I can guess which of his two was the predominant illness.  Still... he showed up... that's a step in the right direction.

On a side note, Andy from Residential told me that Iggy's last day was Friday.  Going to miss him, but nothing an actual letter or email to Syracuse University won't fix.  It was also nice of Andy to say that seeing me at the Saturday meetings makes his mornings.  That was cool.  He was quite pleased with the whole 100 day thing.

Yesterday, Sunday, was a REALLY good meeting.  The speaker was another young guy.  College-age guy in his early 20's.  His story was a very good one and he made a very good impression on those assembled.  His analogy of his Higher Power being like a GPS system went over very well with everyone. 

Today's topic was about us members of AA living on borrowed time.  If it were not for our higher power and the other members of AA, we'd probably have already used up our allotted time.  Now this may very well be the case and all well & true, BUT... man has July been a rough one for readings!  I know I've said that bit before, but wow!  That's a bit of dark speak in what is usually a fairly lighthearted meeting.  Still, it was a smaller group than most Mondays.  Some of the regular people weren't there today, so we only had the one group around the table. 

I have to reschedule my After Care appointment for next week.  They called and when I called back, they weren't available, so I will do that first thing tomorrow morning.  Not a big deal.  I'm sure they'll have something else open somewhere in that week.

One Day at a Time!  Doing quite well, even if I do say so myself.

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