Friday, July 1, 2016

Reading Rainbow

I know this isn't the first time I've complained about this topic, but I find the Friday AA meeting at the hospital to be a little obtrusive personally.  If we are supposed to be Anonymous... why is it the woman that hosts asks everyone to give their full names when we do the table-wide introductions?

It's a small nitpick, I know... but still.  Some of the people there don't give their full names, but they tend to be the ladies from the other house on the hospital's campus.  Me?  I usually give my radio name.  It's easier.

I'm getting a little tired/bored with the Friday meeting, only because I/we have read this stuff a number of times already.  When I was in Residential, we participated in a number of evening meetings going over various portions of the book.  I was even group leader who got to pick the passages we would read and moderate the group's discussion.  I guess I'm just a little impatient with the others who don't read aloud very well.

We're getting closer to the section of the book featuring individual letters from AA members.  That's not going to take long for us to get through.  I'm hoping the discussions will be like those we had with the old group.  Those were more intense and we had more in common with the letter writers.  We'll see soon, I guess.

Holiday weekend coming up, obviously, so it was a little lighter today.  We'll also see how many people are at the weekend meeting(s).

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