Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Blogging Backwards

It will be easiest to blog from today and go backwards as the holiday kind of threw things off.

I was supposed to go to a Dermatologist's appointment this morning, but I received a message while I was in the shower, asking if it were possible to reschedule for later this month.  I'm kind of glad it happened as I wasn't sure whether or not the appointment would prevent me from attending a meeting, even though it's held only a short distance away.

So, fortunately it wasn't a big deal and I was able to get the pooch out for a walk before I left.  We had some fun storms roll through last night and she was skittish as Stef was getting ready for work.  We were both able to get something done this morning.  :) 

I like the Wednesday meeting over at Westminster.  They almost always get a good group which can easily break up into four separate groups.  I always see familiar faces there, but none of them were in my grouping this morning.  Today's topic was in response to the question:  "Am I completely free of my alcohol obsession?"  The obsession part?  Yes.  I think I am and that response ties in nicely with yesterday.

Tuesday I went for my initial After Care appointment with my new psychiatrist.  His name is Jim also.  He's been in the AA program for about 20 years now himself, so it was nice being able to speak so freely about what I've been doing and accomplishing since my release from Residential and IOP.  The Fourth of July (Monday) was three weeks to the day that I was finished with IOP.  Yesterday was day 83 of sobriety.  Jim was very pleased with that number.  His comment was something to the effect of:  "Had you told me any other time frame, I probably would've sent you back into IOP for further care."  Thankfully he didn't have to do that.  I'm looking forward to my next meeting with him in about two weeks.

I was able to attend a meeting on the morning of the holiday at a different area church.  I shouldn't speak ill of some members, but my least favorite one was there, so I purposely miscounted before the groups separated, so I wouldn't have to sit and listen to him.  He's sick on several other levels that are none of my concern and I really should be more supportive, but his input can be offsetting to others.  So, I sat with this other group as we discussed the problems of a guy there who was only two weeks sober and facing some serious marital issues.  I personally thought we could've offered him a little more support, but overall things went well.

Sunday was the open meeting that Stef usually attends with me.  They're supposed to be a combo platter of Al-Anon and AA.  We were a little disappointed with the first speaker as he was more concerned with talking about himself rather than his spouse who was the actual alcoholic.  Al-Anon folks are supposed to share their side of the story, but this guy took up almost the entire hour speaking about pretty much nothing of consequence.  Oh well.

Saturday was my usual home meeting back over at Gateway.  It was a little light people-wise, but to be expected considering it was a holiday weekend.  There was a gentleman there who was only a couple days sober and stating he really wanted a drink, so the meeting was a good one as everyone pitched in to help as best they could.

That pretty much brings me back up to date with the blog.  I applied online for a few different gigs, so I am hoping with all I have that something comes to fruition from that.  I spend time twice a day looking over emails and websites.  Once I post this, I will do my second look through and see if anything new popped up email-wise. 

One Day at a Time.  :)  Doing well and aiming to stay that way.

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