Monday, July 18, 2016

Good Weekend. Good Meetings All Around.

I had some good meetings over the weekend and today (Monday).

Saturday was fairly nice as I got to hang out with my sponsor and he was proud of my 90 days.  So were a few of the other members.  The topic was self-love.  There were some interesting contributions to the meeting from the assembled guests... but I sadly was more preoccupied by the behavior of my least favorite AA member... and YET AGAIN... I really need to reel that behavior in.  I was busier completing an internal doughnut count as he went up for his sixth one.  I shared that bit of information with my neighbor on Sunday and he didn't appear too surprised by that information.

Sunday was a FANTASTIC meeting.  The open meeting had a very young AA member speak and by that I mean someone who is a college student.  Her story was remarkable and well received.  It was (for me) one of the better personal stories shared as of late.  Yes... my least favorite AA member was there again, but as there were no doughnuts and the speaker was a woman... he seemed to lose interest and went on his way without opening his mouth. 

Today's church meeting dealt with AA as a whole and how we're not supposed to criticize either the program or its membership... something I am SINCERELY working on where Tom is concerned.  I would've addressed that to his face proper, but he must've missed his first bus.  The church is on the Aurora bus route and he arrived late (as sometimes in usual) and sat in with my group as we were closest to the door.  He didn't weigh in on anything for a second day in a row, but again it was a primarily female member group.  I think that has a lot to do with his input at meetings.

Got a call regarding the Speedway gig (amongst other calls) today, but I had to turn it down due to their inability to situate me at a closer station or give me better hours.  I can work for that wage for those hours.  <SIGH.>.  I'm trying my best... but I'm not getting what I need.  Did some groundwork earlier this afternoon as there are some new warehouses opening up, and I hope they have some office jobs, but nothing is out on their facilities as of yet.

One Day At A Time, though, in the interim.  :-)

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