Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tuesdays and Thursdays Are Weird

As the blog post states, Tuesdays and Thursdays are weird... at least for me they are.

I go to a slightly different AA meeting on those days and the clientele are... how do I convey this properly... quite a bit different from what I normally see in my other meetings.  I guess that works.

I've been a VERY BAD AA member with my own personal judgment of another attending member... and as I type that sentence, I know I've probably blogged about this before... but I'm glad a certain member is getting help... but he detracts from the usual daily meetings I attend and it's driving me bananas.  He's also a thorn in my side now on Saturdays AND Sundays.)  His sponsor has all but abandoned him and there's the Doctor part of me that wants to say something or even actually DO something... but is that a can of worms I want to even open?!?  Given his (I don't know... admission to possible arson and a stint in solitary confinement?)... DOES THAT ALTER MY PERCEPTION OF THIS PERSON???  I guess I will let Red from The Shawshank Redemption deal with that bit.  I'm in no position to offer aid to someone that screwed up.  (PERSONAL EDITORIAL COMMENT, mind you!)  What do I know, right?

ANYHOOTS... my point is that my Tuesday/Thursday meetings are in another church and there's a courthouse not too far away... let's just say walking distance.  I thought it was weird having ONE guy dressed up in my IOP class in a suit that probably costs more than a car payment... now... I have a number of them to choose from.  It's a little odd from my standpoint, but I let it go.  (Still not done with Clean & Sober.  Maybe tonight.) 

The WEIRD thing is sharing a room with some of the other people that also came over from the same courthouse.  These are folks who JUST had their licenses taken away and here they are in an AA meeting.  I suppose if I were smarter I would've realized that it's no coincidence a meeting is held that close!  May as well get started, you know?  Some of these folks clearly couldn't afford an attorney and obviously needed their licenses.  So, you (meaning me) take a moderate step back and let them speak their woes.  But the one thought ran through my head... what are they actually getting out of these meetings?

July has been an unusual month for topics and/or readings.  If you are thinking of reading the Daily 24 book... maybe July is not your month.  The past couple of weeks have seemed like "beating you down" sort of readings.  FULL DISCLOSURE:  I do not own that particular book for closed meetings and I "believe" it's part of the whole "Meeting Leader" (for lack of a better term) program.

In the end, I hope to see some of today's people again.  Potential gigs are still simmering at the moment.  What I thought was a job offer today was either an actual bank or a scam... will decipher that tomorrow... there were other things to do today.

One Day at a Time!  All is going well!  :)

And this is for you Teggie... who cannot read... but has chased away a number of riding mower folks.  Woof!

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