Friday, July 22, 2016

Doctor Visits and an Anniversary

I finally got to see my dermatologist.  He cancelled on me a few weeks ago and I saw him on Wednesday at their new facility.  I think they're still working out the kinks at their new digs as it took a while to get in, but once inside, things went pretty well.  I had a facial growth removed from the corner of my right eye.

I had a similar one on my left eye that was driving me nuts!  It itched like a mother and admittedly hurt a little whenever I rubbed my eyes.  For whatever reason, that one decided to simply fall off.  The one on the other eye had to be cut off.  That one hurt a little.  There were also two separate skin tacks on my sides, just under my armpits.  They put a little anesthetic and snip-snip... gone. 

It was a very good thing I didn't wear the white pineapple/flamingo tropical shirt Stef got me for my birthday, as the bigger removal didn't scab over well enough during the afternoon/evening and my left side bled into one of my favorite green shirts.  When I put that same shirt on yesterday morning, it looked as though I'd been shot.  It's been soaking in cold water and stain remover stuff since yesterday and it looks a little better.

Yesterday was also my second visit with my After Care Counselor Jim.  It's nice that he's in the AA program and is both a sponsor and occasional host of meetings.  We've had now two really good discussions.  I need to continue to take better care of myself, which I am working on.  He also knows my sponsor Lyn.  But given how long Lyn's been in the program that's not a huge surprise.  It was funny that we were speaking about my sponsor and my phone went off in my pocket.  I told Jim who it was and we shared a laugh.  Lyn called to let me know that he and his wife would be going on vacation and that he wouldn't be at our Saturday meeting, but would have our mutual AA friend Gary check in with me.  That's a really cool thing of him to do... but then... that's his gig as sponsor.

Today is... drum roll... 100 days sober for me!  I finally broke the three digit mark!  I'm pretty psyched by that!  Jim and I were talking about it and he said that he was happy for me.  I think that after day 120 I'm going to stop being as mentally cognizant of the daily tally.  I'll still pay attention to the days themselves occasionally via the laptop counter I have on desktop, but it's time (pardon the expression) to not mentally beat myself up over it.  I've proven I can do it and continue to do it.  There are other aspects of my sobriety to concern myself with now.  Not that I haven't been doing so all along.  But anyhoots... YAY!

One Day at a Time... turns into 100... and beyond!

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