Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday January 29, 2016 - Step 12

Today's meeting was a surprise!  Let's talk about jumping Steps!  From the lower echelons of the Steps straight to the last one.  I'm still working on all of the others and the group went right to the last one:

"Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs."

That's a huge request considering I'm still working on the other 11.  I'm not anywhere close to claiming success over Step 12... BUT... as a portion of this step includes merely talking to other members as they enter, helping those with disabilities and just being there for someone, etc. etc. ... I'm actually on my way!

One of the members has been in and out of the program for years... and just wanted a shoulder to lean on for a few moments... the poor bastard got me.  He's been clean the EXACT same number of days as I am this time around, so we had that in common.  We chatted briefly prior to the meeting and then ironically ended up at the same table for group discussions.  I was glad to offer some minor suggestions to him that might make his new journey back into sobriety easier.

I can't claim victory over Step 12.  I need to get there one day.

Side Notes:

1.  I made chicken noodle soup for them.  I had to do the one thing I hate to do... which was to cook everything into a goo-like substance so that Grumblor would actually deign to eat it.  On the plus side, he did have two bowls (as I was told.)  I have no money to wager, but I bet that soup is going to be in the fridge till at least Monday or Tuesday.

2.  I've  been ORDERED to make my father an omelette tomorrow, so the last of the mushrooms can be used up.  SIGH.  Fine.  He can wait till after tomorrow's meeting.

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