Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday - January 28th - Step 6

Only three people at the meeting today, but that's all right, I enjoy small groups like that, as it gives me a chance to be heard.

The topic was Step Six:

"Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character."

Defects.  I have tons.  But the discussion was more about the intricacies of what makes up our total defects.  The basic conversation was about ego versus self-esteem.  It was about "thinking" badly... but somehow managing to DO the GOOD thing.  I'm a work in progress on that one.

For far too long I let my ego run my life.  If I had some slight advantage over another person, I would exploit that for my own personal gain.  Since all that has occurred, I realize how sad and pathetic that sort of mentality has been, and how sadly and pathetically I've been living my life.

When I get  to my making amends Step, there are a number of people I owe massive apologies to... whether I like it or not.  I have been speaking to my idea of a higher power and am working on filling those horrible self-centered holes in myself with thoughts of other people.  I don't want to go back to being that other person ever again.

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