Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday January 27 2016 - Visit #1 with Counselor - Step 5 Accomplished

I had my first meeting with Janice today.  It was a very excellent first encounter.  I arrived ten minutes early so she and I got an extra ten minutes of the session in, which I really appreciated. 

Meeting with her (and she agreed) covered the mandate that is Step 5:

"Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs."

I told her my whole story and just about everything that has happened up until this point.  She took copious notes and made some wonderful comments designed to get to know me better.  She was also very pleased with my AA attendance and the fact that I am journaling this as I go along.  She said that it would invaluable during this part of my recovery.

Speaking of recovery, I asked her outright if she thought a residence in an inpatient facility was something I should pursue, and she was of the opinion that:  "No.  You're going to meetings.  You're clearly working hard at staying clean.  I see no reason at the moment to have you enter a program like that.  Just keep doing what you're doing and we'll talk more about things at your next meeting."

So overall, that was a success in my book.  Very nice and very professional.  I like that.

I attended a 12 & 12 meeting at 6PM.  It was yet another discussion on Step 3.  That's twice in one week.  They were reading out of  the 12 & 12 book.  (Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.)  I don't own it, so I asked the host if I could borrow it for the evening.  He was more than happy to let me borrow it.  I will read it tonight and return it tomorrow.

Busy day.

Side Note:

It was my father's birthday today.  He had microwaveable pancakes.  Yahoo.

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