Sunday, January 31, 2016

Saturday January 30, 2016 - Another Step Three?!? WTF?!?

We really need to shake up the status quo at these meetings.  This is the third time this week I had to go over the third step.  I don't mind, but the fact that three (including myself) out of the four people at my table were involved in the last Step Three meeting were the same people... we all sort of looked at each other wondering what else could we add to what has already been said.

We muddled through.  Well, that's not fair.  We didn't "muddle"... we just tried to reword what we have already said before. It was still a good meeting.  I read the 24 page for the day today.  The Thought of the Day, The Meditation for the Day and the Prayer of the Day.  If I can get to a decent computer, I will try and download that book.  That's a good book.  I will try and see if that is something I can download at the library following my second meeting with Janice on Monday.

My brother wanted to go out for dinner, just the two of us, this evening.  His first choice was completely packed, so we tried Pilot Pete's over by the second to last house.  There was a massive line, so we ended up somewhere down Lake Street/Route 20 at a burrito joint.  No biggie.  It was actually good food and I kept it under $6, so he wouldn't have to pay for his useless older brother's meal.

On the way home, I covered one of my amends.  I made amends to him and just about every single person he's ever dated that I treated like a subhuman.  (I didn't use those words!)  I just apologized and made amends as best I could.  He was cool with it all and forgave me.  That was a load off of my shoulders.

It's been a rough, but productive week.

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