Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday January 25th 2016 - Tomorrow is Promised to No One

Today's meeting was another one regarding Step Four:

"Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves."

As I previously mentioned, I am continually in the process of doing this moral inventory and everything I find keep getting worse and worse.  I mentioned this to the group I was a part of today and one of the guys said something that really hit home.  It made participating in this program the tiniest bit easier.

  1. I can't change what happened yesterday.
  2. I can only live for today.  One day at a time.
  3. Tomorrow is promised to no one.

I like that a lot.  So, that's what I've been doing, taking it one day at a time.  It's not easy, but then it's not supposed to be.

Side Notes:

1.  This place is like the set of The Walking Dead.  The front door is completely sealed as my father's too cheap to replace it.  The downstairs exit to that patio is completely sealed with paneling as if a Walker invasion is about to occur.  Again, he won't pay to have it fixed.  The lighting in this place makes WWII submarine movies look like the Vegas Strip.  The heat levels in here are set to the high 70's.  I don't need to go to hell... I'm living in it.

2.  They FINALLY through away the Chinese food when the kid left.  Getting bitched at for not eating, but I am not hungry, and to be honest, microwaved pancakes aren't my idea of dinner.  (That's one of the only three things my father will eat.)

3.  He garbled something about having a piece of toast, but then I opened the breadbox they have in the kitchen, there wasn't any bread.  He just sat there with a self-pleasing, smug look on his face.


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