Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday January 26, 2016 - Let the Chips Fall Where They May

Today's meeting was a Step Meeting.  Following the standard readings, we split up into groups and each group had to draw a casino chip with one of the 12 Step numbers taped to it.  Our group drew the number 3.

" Made a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of God as we understood him."

This is a rough Step for me, as I turned my back on the Church decades ago thanks to the brutality of certain nuns and priests.  But the discussion turned more to what people felt their higher power actually was.  It's the line "as we understand him" that is paramount.

Some of the discussion group felt that their sponsors were part of their higher power.  Another person felt as though sitting in these meetings with fellow alcoholics were becoming their higher power.

Me?  I'm working on that one.  I am back in touch with mine and things are somewhat working better.  Well, better than the past couple of weeks, that's for sure.

Meeting with the Counselor tomorrow.  Should have more to discuss at that point.

Side Notes:

SSDD.  "Eat something grumble, grumble, undecipherable speaking!"  "No thanks."  "Then starve.  Grumble, grumble, undecipherable speaking."  (Then it was back to lip reading Centennial.)   

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