Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday January 24, 2016 - The New Normal

Today's meeting that I attended was an Open meeting with a speaker.  I like these meetings as you hear someone else's story and you realize that there are other people out there in the same boat as yourself. 

As it's anonymous, I won't go into her specifics, but when it came time for the comments/remarks portion of the day I actually commented.  That's something I don't normally do during any of the Open meetings I attend back in Aurora.

I could relate to her feelings of remorse following a slip.  I have those.  I could also relate to her comment about once the remorse was felt... she had no idea why she went ahead and did it all over again.  That's why I am in the situation I am in now.

I chatted with some of the people afterwards and as I said in my first real post here, they are a lovely and supportive group.  I wish we could export this sort of support a little further out to my District.


1.  My father does NOT ever sleep.  He spends his days/nights/early hours of the next morning in front of a laptop, hacking up a lung, pretend gambling, and watching mini-series from the late 70's on Youtube, with no sound.  He tries to lip-read the actors.  I tried telling him there's a closed caption function on Youtube, but he just grumbles something, waving me off as if I don't know what I am talking about.

2.  The kid is sick, so she's most probably not going to school in the morning.  She and the brother are in his room watching TV both burping and farting.  She's also taken to occasionally grunting like he does. 


This is the New Normal.

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