Friday, May 20, 2016

Bad Blogger - Part Deux

Did it again... I let the week get the better of me and I totally forgot to blog the past few days!

Friday's list:
  1. Gratitude:  I am grateful 37 days sober!! 
  2. Daily Coping Skills:  Meditation and IOP on Wednesday and Thursday.
  3. Daily Goal:  Fixed sponsor's phone number and spoke with him the other day.  Goal for today?  To remain sober.
  4. PSA:  Live for today, not tomorrow.  (Song lyric.  A cheat.  Guess the song, win a blog prize.)

Friday today.  Kind of a busy day ahead.  No IOP session planned for today, but I still have to visit a medical facility.  I went to the Doctor for a full physical and prescription renewal... but he also wants blood work done, so I have to go bleed and give them some urine.  Nothing major.

Yesterday's IOP was an odd bag.  Basically it turned into a discussion about the differences between someone claiming to be a "Problem Drinker" versus a full blown alcoholic... I thought the fact that the individual being discussed had three DUIs made them a full blown alcoholic with clear denial issues.  But what do I know?  (I was more concerned with the apparent disappearance of someone I attended Residential treatment from my IOP Group.)

Busy weekend ahead.  Going to the weekly meeting with Jay tomorrow.  He texted last night to confirm, so that will be a good meeting.  Sunday will be the other normal weekly meeting.  I will have to make a public appearance at the parent's house on Sunday... so that will mean not-so great Chinese food and the same old conversations.  Sigh.

I will try and do better about the blogging.

One day at a time!

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