Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ooops! Been A Bad Blogger!

Tuesday's list:
  1. Gratitude:  I am grateful 34 days sober and my wife. 
  2. Daily Coping Skills:  Meditation and IOP.
  3. Daily Goal:  Participate in IOP.  (DONE!)  Double check sponsor phone number with John... number should be correct... but apparently it's not?!  WTF?! 
  4. PSA:  I am calm, relaxed and peaceful.
OK... I let the past couple of days get the better of me and I let the blog suffer.  Sorry about that!

Quick recap:  Saturday's AA meeting with Jay was fun.  He is making it his home group.  We ran into Andy from our residential stay and he was happy to see us.  The meeting overall was about Gratitude.  Lots of interesting stories shared.

Sunday was the open meeting that Stef attended with me.  The speaker was Robin.  I see him mostly at the Saturday meetings, but it was interesting to hear his story in full.  He spent a lot of time as a resident of the state of California... if you know what I mean.

Monday's IOP meeting was the basic weekend recap and brief introduction to our newest member, Bob.  We ran out of time before he could properly introduce himself.  He did so today (Tuesday).  We went around the group and did the basic intros of ourselves.  I spoke with Bob during one of the breaks and told him about the Saturday meetings there at Gateway.  We might have another new member attending.

Things were a bit hectic today at IOP.  Apparently one of the other groups lost a client due to an OD.  We had to vacate our normal room for a smaller one, as they used our room for a huge staff meeting... most probably to discuss the loss.

Iggy mentioned that as a precaution, the facility was going to test everyone in all the groups.  This wasn't to single anyone out or anything like that... it was just a check to see if someone was perhaps using and whether or not they required additional help.  I welcome the check as I have nothing to hide.

Other than that, there was a video about Triggers & Cravings.  It covered all the various addictions and there was some crossover symptoms between opiates and liquor.  I could relate to the alcohol triggers, but it wasn't anything new that we hadn't spoken about in IOP or in residence.  But, still and all, it was interesting as a refresher.

I also tried to call my sponsor again today, and instead of getting an answering machine like I normally do, I actually caught someone live... but was told it was a wrong number?!?  This contradicts what  Lin told me on Saturday when I showed him my phone and his number... he said it was correct.  I will have to call my neighbor John to reconfirm the number.  That was totally weird. 

IOP and Doctor's appointment tomorrow.  We shall see what we shall see about the doctor's visit.  More on that as I find out.

One day at a time!

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