Monday, May 23, 2016

Is Your Name Not Bruce Then?

Monday's list:
  1. Gratitude:  I am grateful 40 days sober!!  (MORE ON THAT IN A MOMENT!) 
  2. Daily Coping Skills:  Meditation and IOP group.
  3. Daily Goal:  Reflect on my time spent sober.  Participate in IOP. 
  4. PSA:  I am a product of my decisions.

Let's start with the title of today's blog.  For fans of the show, it's clearly a Monty Python sketch reference.  A professor named Michael goes to Australia and meets the rest of the University's Psychology Staff and they're all named Bruce.  His name causes some friction.

"Is your name not Bruce, then?"
"No.  It's Michael."
"Well, that's gonna cause some confusion... mind if we call you Bruce?"

The point being is we already had a Brandon in our group and today saw the introduction of three new guys... two of whom were also named Brandon... so we have three now.

ANYHOOTS... the third guy is named Jeff and he came over from the Men's Extension over in Residence, and wouldn't you know it, his roommate was my old buddy Tim!  I got to be Peer Group Leader for a short while during my stay and Tim took over from me.  Coincidentally enough, Tim called me yesterday (Sunday) stating that he was getting out and that he wanted to attend AA meetings with myself and Jay.  I was going to leave either a written message or passed along verbal message for him this morning... but no need!  He and the current group were returning from the weekly Monday morning mile walk, so I got to speak with him personally!  Excellent timing!

Monday's are generally weekend recaps, which we did.  Iggy tried to keep it short as he had three new people that needed to introduce themselves, but there was time for a regular meeting sandwiched within.  He went once again with my suggestion of trying to plan things ahead in order to avoid possible triggers.  We only had one person this weekend that went off the program, but shifted blame over to his family rather than on himself.  We all pretty much called him out on that one. 

I didn't share my 40 day anniversary with the group, as Iggy often points out that it's not something to really celebrate, so I don't bother with this group.  I personally think differently.  For me, that's a pretty good feat!  I'm proud of it, even if he and the group can't be bothered.

Nyah!  So there!

So, 40 days sober!  How did I do it?!  One day at a time!  (For Kamari, my brother from another mother... yes, I stayed focused!  You were 100% right... it works!)  I have a special cartoon for him I've got to use in a future post!



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