Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Iggy's Great! Gives Us the Chocolate Cake!

Tuesday's list:
  1. Gratitude:  I am grateful 41 days sober!!   
  2. Daily Coping Skills:  Meditation and IOP group.
  3. Daily Goal:  Participate in IOP as best I can. 
  4. PSA:  I'm focusing on what I can do right now.

So we come into the meeting today and there's a chocolate cake there for Mike's birthday... and what does Mike do?  Well, not show up for starters.  He's the oldest member of the group and went out of his way to mention it was his birthday yesterday, and Iggy said had he known, he'd have bought a cake.  So Iggy does indeed bring one in... and there's no recipient for said cake.  Fortunately it was a full group of fifteen people, so there were people there to polish off the cake.

We helped Neil with his issues today.  A dear friend of his apparently died while drunk driving over the weekend, which explained why he wasn't there yesterday (Monday)... but we found out that he did leave a message for Iggy stating the reason for his absence.  It still didn't fully justify his relapse, but apparently the death of a friend in those circumstances is all right for drinking?! 

I was a little uncomfortable with the whole "poor Neil" thing... considering the discussion yesterday of pity parties we folks in recovery throw ourselves.  But I didn't say this, as he was sitting directly to my left.  I'm not trying to be cold-hearted by any stretch of the imagination, mind you!  Honest! 

But, he's made it a point to say that he does attend AA meetings... as we are instructed by Iggy virtually every day... wasn't there someone there, or within his circle of sober friends he could've called?  Or one of us?  Those of us with alcohol problems shared our numbers a while back.

Again, merely saying.  Not being rude or anything like that!! 

I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow's meeting.  Iggy's pulling out the James Wood/James Garner movie "The Story of Bill W."  (The founders of AA.)  It's a great movie... but this is going to be my fourth time seeing it.  I only just recently saw it all the way through while in Residence... it's not like I forgot it or anything. 

We're supposed to compare it to our lives.  I totally relate to the film as a whole and its message.  The only thing that doesn't apply to me is the fact that I didn't actually create AA... so what more can I (pardon the pun) 'garner' from seeing it a fourth time?! 

Oh well.  No big deal in the grand scheme of things, I guess.

One Day at a Time!

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