Friday, May 13, 2016

One Paragraph. One Hour... Oh... and One Month

Friday's list:
  1. Gratitude:  I am grateful one month sober today!  My wife.  My sober friends... some of whom are also approaching their first month!
  2. Daily Coping Skills:  Meditation and blogging.  
  3. Daily Goal:  Attend AA meeting at Mercy.  (DONE!)  Call Sponsor. 
  4. PSA:  I'm AM doing this!

I attended an AA meeting earlier this morning.  It was a good meeting and I will get to that in a second, but I first wanted to share something with my brothers from Residency.

Remember that discussion we had at the lunch table just before a few of us were released?  The one where I said that some AA meetings weren't as anonymous as others?  Well, today's meeting was one such meeting.  The woman chairing the meeting asked the assembled group for their FULL NAMES as we went around the table!  As I said at the lunch table, so much for anonymous, right?!  This isn't the first time I've experienced this odd request.  I simply rattled off my radio name instead of my actual name... because it came easily enough and I do value my anonymity!

Other than that small complaint, it was really a good meeting.  It was a Big Book Study group.  For those not familiar with the focus of the group... they read the Big Book one paragraph or (sometimes) section(s) and have a discussion about the contents of the reading.  If you have a copy of the Big Book, turn to page 91 and read the paragraph starting with the words:  "See your man alone,".

We had an entire hour's worth of discussion over that single paragraph!  It was similar to what I/we were doing at the Men's Extension at Gateway!  It made for a great meeting and the time just flew by!  I also got to meet with some people I see at other AA meetings, namely one of the Toms and Lee.

This weekend holds a meeting back over at Gateway on Saturday and the Open Meeting over at Mercy on Sunday, so busy-busy-busy.

Oh, and I celebrate one month today!  I feel good.  There are no cravings, which make things even better.  I'm in a good place mentally.  Yay for me, I guess!  As I briefly mentioned in my list above, I know there are a few people who left Gateway before me that should have hopefully met this goal already, and there are a few more that I knew who remained that should also be approaching this achievement... GOOD FOR YOU GUYS!  If you ever need help or someone to talk to... you have my contact information!

Happy Friday all!  It's a happy one for me today!

One day at a time, gang!

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