Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cognitive Reconstruction and Taking Responsibility

No more dates in blog titles... this new template has a much easier date to read.

Here's my list for today:
  1. Gratitude:  I am grateful for 28 days sober!  The IOP group.  And most importantly, Stef, who makes the road to recovery just that much nicer to manage.
  2. Daily Coping Skills:  Today's IOP session.  My meditation.  Blogging.  
  3. Daily Goal:  Speaking with Lillian over at Gateway about my prescriptions.  (DONE!  Caught her live in her office before I left.)  Speak with my Sponsor Lin and hopefully my former roommate Jay about this upcoming weekend's AA meetings.  (DONE!  Left messages for both before starting today's blog entry.) 
  4. PSA:  I meditate easily without resistance or anxiety.

There was a friendly surprise in this morning's IOP session, my old pal Jordan was there, as he couldn't attend his normal evening session later tonight, so it was nice to say hi and see how he's been doing since getting out.

Today we continued our discussion about it being all right to be somewhat selfish during our recovery... but we were also reminded that the pendulum swings both ways.  It is perfectly acceptable for those around us to feel the same way. 

They (whether it's your spouse, immediate family, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.) have the right to disengage, withdraw and protect themselves.  They owe us nothing even when we might think tat they do.

Cognitive Reconstruction means I have to change my way of thinking and face whatever consequences that come along.  If I were to drink again... I would have to face those consequences, but if I continue to remain abstinent, I can slowly succeed in mending my relationship with my wife, as it is she I hurt so much.  Facing this reality of hurtful behavior and taking responsibility will ultimately lessen any thoughts of self-pity I might entertain somewhere with myself.

Overall a good session.  At least for me it was.

One day a time!  Blog again at you tomorrow.

And here's one for Art and Jay:

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