Friday, May 20, 2016


So, Stef and I took today (Friday) off from other commitments and took a day trip down Route 66.  We drove a fair chunk of it a few years ago and there were a few places we wanted to revisit.

So we started and ended our day in Pontiac, IL.  There were also various stops further up along the route, but that's another post for another time.

There's a very lovely (and free!) museum in downtown Pontiac.  Three floors, including a War Museum at the top level.  The Second Floor featured several mock rooms... one of which that portrayed the interior of what was considered a standard American home circa the 1940's.  (WWII era.) 

The throwback radio station console from the 1960's was a totally cool throwback for me, as it wasn't too entirely off from what I studied on during the 80's.  Oh, sure, the dials and switches were upgraded on the one I ended up working with, but the basic layout, two turntables, cart machines and reel-to-reel recorders were almost exactly the same in the 60's as they were in later years!  Very trippy for me at any rate!

Around the corner from the museum there was one gift shop that sold t-shirts, hats and whatnot that you could have imprinted with various images... (some Route 66-related, some not)... and something tacked onto the wall definitely caught our eye!  A t-shirt that comes in Size 10XL!! That's not us in the photo... but it was the first one of the 10XL T-shirt I found that there new fangled interwebs thingie that came close to showing it in scale.  YOWZAH!

On the trip back we stopped at the Log Cabin Restaurant on Route 66 in Pontiac.  This was our second time dining there and they serve some DYNAMITE food!!  Very well made bacon cheeseburgers and tater tots, FYI!  Should you find yourself in that neck of the woods... you've got to dine there!  Great staff!  Great food!  'Nuff said!

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