Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday Recap

Thursday's List:

Here's my list for today:
  1. Gratitude:  I am grateful for 29 days sober!  My wife.  My sober friends.
  2. Daily Coping Skills:  Meditation and blogging.  
  3. Daily Goal:  Participate in my IOP session as best I can. 
  4. PSA:  I'm striving to improve myself every day.

Surprise encounter with my neighbor John this morning at Gateway.  My group was waiting to be let into our side of the building and he came in the door to meet with one of the managers.  There's an alumni get together later this month, and I guess he wanted to know more about it.  I saw the flyer in the corridor the other day... I should have mentioned it then to him.  Must've slipped my mind.

Can I just say that I'm not a "huge" fan of Thursday in IOP.  It was pretty much just watching the remainder of a video showcasing MRI images of a guy's brain in comparison to a normal non-user's brain.  (Interesting, yes, but I felt it took a little too much of our personal time.)  Then, we basically did a recap of the past several days in regard to Accountability and Recovery, along with a recap of how our addictions are like a tree.  THEN, the final portion was welcoming two new members to the group.  Two new members that didn't seem to want to be there.  One of them also fell asleep during the session.  A HUGE no-no where Iggy is concerned.

 I guess I don't mind the round robin introducing ourselves to the newest members, but it does get old after a while.  I also must've missed the memo while I was in Residence where we also had to share what "spirit" animal we were, and what three things we would take with us on a deserted island.  That was pretty lame, I thought... but what do I know?!

Tomorrow is an off day for IOP, but I do have an AA meeting planned at Mercy in the morning.  That will be my primary focus this weekend... attending several meetings, which is mentioned on my treatment program with Iggy.

One day at a time!

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