Monday, August 8, 2016

Can Psychology and Spirituality Exist Together?

My Monday meetings can be a mixed bag.  Sometimes they're uber-religious, sometimes they're uber-silly, and sometimes depending on the number of people attending, they can actually be uber-psychological.  Normally these two topics don't often end up in an AA meeting, but the reading actually had to do with the program being BOTH psychological AND spiritual.

Now, having spent a great deal of time in both Residential, IOP and now After Care, I certainly have a much better understanding surrounding the psychological side of my addiction.  I did have to defend these three separate programs this morning when one of the other folks wouldn't budge on the uber-religious aspect of their own sobriety.  This person chose to eliminate a particular phrase from their personal recovery and felt we (those of us who went through a hospital-type recovery and just didn't turn our entire lives completely and without further thought over to God) were wrong as a result.  The phrase I'm referring to is "A God of my own understanding, or sometimes worded, Higher Power as I understand him/it." 

I had to use the terminology from those three areas I encountered and said the infamous, "Recovery is a process, not an event.."  I also added that if along with the information I had learned in Gateway also worked in conjunction with the more spiritual side I admit to have found in current life, wouldn't that mean that they can exist together?  My fellow members who had been in a similar program sided with me that yes they could.  Then our colleague started reciting biblical rhetoric that got a few of the other uber-religious people on his side.  {SIGH.} 

It was a losing argument that early in the day, so I did the usual Closed meeting comment of, "That's all I got.  I'll keep coming back."  I didn't personally care for the overly pious smile I got out of the guy when we closed with the Lord's Prayer, but I'm getting much better at being nice to other people.

ANYHOOTS!  I will keep coming back to that meeting as it is very local and I do like the people.  Some of them I see on my Saturday meetings.  Sidenote, this was another weekday meeting where one gentleman wasn't there yet again.  If he isn't well, no one has said a word, so maybe it's none of my business or no one is aware.  Saturday ran long as usual, but it was nice to Lyn back.  Sunday was the combo Al-Anon/AA meeting.  Those are always interesting, if a tad bit wordy.  But at least there's usually a pretty full house for those!

Working on finding work still.  I did some major editing on my resume and actual writing for a pretty good cover letter if I do say so myself.  I am hopeful this will turn into something.  I found the location of the temporary agency here in Aurora that I submitted it to.  It's sort of on the way to my Tuesday meeting.  I will either call or dress slightly better and maybe show up in person?  I haven't decided yet.  I probably should burn those documents first and have them printed up so I can bring in hard copies... again... I will have to think about that first. 

One Day at a Time.

And here's a fun photo for Stef and Teggie:

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