Thursday, August 11, 2016


Today I am 120 days sober.

I do OPENLY admit that I sometimes feel like I'm not entirely "there" yet... but then again... it's not like it's the destination... it's the journey, right?  So, maybe Jim will never ever feel like he's "there"... wherever (unintentional rhyme) that might be.

I shared my anniversary earlier today with people who are not in my common realm of sober friends.  Let's be honest... 99% of them are total strangers... and you know what... their applause today meant more to me than what I could (and probably will) get this upcoming weekend during my home group meeting. 

I called and left a message for my sponsor earlier this afternoon.  I still have to thank my neighbor John (whom I have not yet seen today as I type this... but am hopeful that) he will/would be delighted to hear the news.  I have a former IOP counselor who is probably in transit to Syracuse University whom I am dying to tell.  I will tell my After Care therapist next week.  And then there's you guys from Gateway that I can see out there hovering around in limbo, who view this blog... thanks guys!  I just thought you'd want to know.  :)

But, as you know, I have a daily (ALLEGEDLY!) blog to keep me accountable. {COUGH. COUGH. YEAH DAILY RIGHT! COUGH}

Gearing up towards 6 months and beyond!  ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!!

And the Serenity Prayer for all... I have been saying this for four months now before I go to bed and before I start my day.

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