Monday, August 22, 2016

Meetings and Being Overdressed

Blogging a little late this evening, so this might be a little shorter than usual.

Saturday's meeting was kind of a downer topic-wise.  We discussed feelings of isolation and discouragement with ourselves, our higher powers and general feelings we're going through.  I don't think I feel isolated at all.  I have a nice support system in place with my wife, my sponsor and those I surround myself in meetings.  I may feel a tad bit discouraged, but that's only because I don't as much time invested in the program as much as many of the others.  Someone celebrated 36 years sober.  I guess I sort of feel discouraged that I probably won't ever get to that kind of number.  LOL.  But I will give it a darn good try.

Sunday's open meeting was with a gentleman who started drinking in/around age 5 in the late 50's grabbing his dad a bottle of beer from the fridge while dad watched TV.  He drank enough from longneck bottles until just before it was noticeable.  Things for him got rough when he was a teen and either had to face court or enter the military.  So, he soon found himself in Vietnam as a young teen where when not on patrol, the only other thing to do was drink and engage in "other" items that are used to alter the mind.  But to be fair, he's been sober since 1981, so bravo to him!

Today's meeting dealt with the first paragraph of the "How it Works" reading we do at each and every AA meeting:

"Those who do not recover are people who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. There are such unfortunates. They are not at fault. They seem to be born that way. They are naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty. Their chances are less than average. There are those, too, who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, but many of them do recover, if they have the capacity to be honest."

I've been doing an infinitely better job of being honest with myself since I got out of Residence and throughout IOP and After Care.  My live conversations with Lyn, my sponsor, have helped immensely as well.

I had two employment meetings today and I was overdressed for both interviews, but that's just me complaining about the current pool of potential employees hiring folks are seeing.  The gal I saw at the temp agency was wearing flip flops and a pair of those sweatpants with the word Pink embroidered on the back.  Nice.  Not many office openings available at the moment, but they're going to keep me posted if that's going to change.

The second interview I am going to accept.  It's part time, but it certainly beats not working.  So, a win in my books.

Other than that, nothing else to report.  Just feeling a little better about things in general with the whole job front.  More on this as is warranted.

One Day at a Time.

And here's one from a new comic strip I stumbled across:

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