Friday, March 4, 2016

March 4, 2016 - 50th Post - Growth and Continuous Effort

Hey gang!  I have to say the St. David's group is rapidly becoming my favorite group (if I haven't already blathered on and on about them) as they are a very nice diverse cross section of ages and days/weeks/months/years of sobriety.

Today's topic was a willingness to change for the better and to continue to attain growth.  If I remember today's reading correctly, continuous growth requires continuous effort.  (Something like that.)  I spoke about it in the subgroup I got assigned to. 

I've got the willingness to change bit down pat by now.  Each and every day I am working on the continuous effort portion.  It's quite a bit better than my first round of this program.  I am going to associate that with the new folks I am seeing regularly.  Our meeting was a little shorter than usual today as everyone had their say.

According to Blogger, this is officially my 50th post.  Once again, thanks to those that I can see accessing the blog and sending emails.  We're in this together.  You've become part of my higher power, whether you like it or not.    

Side-note:  I have one of those paw print magnetic decals over my gas tank.  I came out of the meeting earlier today and thought that someone had stolen it.  No, moron.  A virtually identical make/model/color Ford Fusion parked next to Fury One.  That's what I call the Fusion.  (A Doctor Who reference virtually no one will get.)  I was about to freak when I got closer and just had to laugh. 

Speaking of laughing, I do believe I promised you an entry on that topic.  Let me post #50, walk the dog and see if I can crank out an addendum before the wife gets home and we have to go do taxes.... boooo!

One day at a time, my friends!

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