Monday, March 21, 2016

Regeneration v Cognitive Reconstruction

Forget Batman v Superman... today's Inpatient session was about Regeneration v Cognitive Reconstruction. 

Now, the term 'regeneration' is a key ingredient to a number of storylines pertaining to my all time (no pun) favorite television series, and I am well familiar with that process.   I've been through it numerous times in my life already. 

"I" was telling the group that a vast majority of our bodies have it within itself to regenerate damaged internal organs over time.  (In my case, the liver.)  What can't regenerate is the damage I've done to my brain through these many years of alcohol abuse.  The best we can hope for, according to "I", is cognitive reconstruction.  I'm not digging typing "I", as it is making it hard to decipher what it is I'm ttrying to talk about... so let's just say "Iggy" from now on, in reference to my psychologist in charge of inpatient sessions.

We (the patients) can only try and work on our minds, habits, compulsions as best we can internally.  I (meaning me) can remain sober for the rest of my life, but the mental damage has already been done.  The thought of the act/process will always be there and I shouldn't drag myself over the coals fretting about it... I just can't act upon it.  Apparently it's even worse for the several heroin addicts in my session... as Iggy spent a bit more time with them throughout the course of the day.  It still doesn't take away from a very good meeting.

Sunday's open meeting was not without its own chuckle and eye-opening experience.  The woman who spoke stated that she had wasted nearly half of her life either drinking or using, and was very grateful she was still around to be with those she loves.  I am also guilty of wasting nearly half my life on the same thing.  And for what?!  What purpose?!  What was I thinking?!  What was the point of it all?!? 

As the speaker "A" said at the end of her talk... "Who puts the breeze in the trees?"  Indeed, "A".  Indeed.  ;-)

Saturday was a busy day.  The early morning meeting had to deal with anger.  The dude sitting next to me at the meeting brought it up as a topic.  I guess he'd been at work earlier in the morning and a co-worker had pushed a few buttons... and he didn't want it to ruin his entire day.  Well, too late for the rest of us, as what transpired was over an hour-plus of people bitching about their co-workers... (ALTHOUGH...)... my pal "W" did have the best story about anger management to share.  As Stef described "W" to our Saturday dinner guests... "W" is a pimp cane shy of being the totally coolest/relaxed cat in the room.  "W" is pretty fly and easy going, so to hear some dynamite expletives about his anger for a co-worker was hysterical for all involved.

Made a nice dinner on Saturday.  It was well received and enjoyed.  Can't say anything bad about that.  I shared that with the group this morning when we did our weekend recap.  Tomorrow should be fun as the rest of the group has to discuss their homework assignment.  Myself and the tutoring heroin addict spoke first today.

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