Thursday, March 31, 2016

"I'm Andy Richter." Jim Got To Be Side-Kick Today

Just when I think I'm not getting anything out of this therapy group... Iggy finds a way of wrapping things up and "around" to make you realize he has a method to his madness.  (My words.  Not his.)

We had a returning member this morning who had some personal issues over the holiday weekend... and didn't get back to group until today.  (So, for her, the slate is wiped clean and now she has to start all over again... another three or so months... or whatever... I don't know her issues or program she's under.)

ANYHOOTS... the entire gang were asked how we could best help "T" (our returning member) with her issues... OK, so she went out and bought another mini-bottle of vodka.  Did she finish it, apparently not... but she was clearly angry with herself about having done so.  I totally understand that point, even though that's not my drink of choice... that doesn't matter...

When we did the round-robin commentary in terms of what we ourselves thought happened, I simply asked, "And what are your plans for tomorrow?"  Did she still have the stuff still in her house was what I was going for... and I TOTALLY went off the AA mantra of:  "I can't change yesterday. Tomorrow is promised to no one." 

Iggy used that as a touch point for the rest of the session and kept coming back to me as a sort of side-kick person to his daily talk show. 

I ignited a conversation within the group and we got "T" to open up a bit more about the personal strife she's dealing with.  What it all came down to was my was own personal/internal mantra of thinking five or six steps ahead.  I think that's what Iggy grabbed onto in order to make "T" not feel so self deprecating.  In the span of a minute or three, all I said was:  "OK... what happened obviously happened... what are your plans for tomorrow and/or the day after that?"  (If I were allowed to use my phone camera... the visual on the white board would make a lot more sense than my rambling.)

What happened was a point by point strategy for "T" (and the rest of the group) to implement in her daily life.  My thinking numerous steps ahead mentality apparently hadn't occurred to a lot of these folks.

I defused my own initial comments as best I could, as it's not my place to judge or whatever... all I said was the bit about me knowing what I would do in that situation if time and finances allowed for it... "T" is a lovely lady and it was just the manner in which she spoke today that made me comment from the get go.  I never intended to suddenly become the new host of the show... but Iggy didn't seem to mind... so I.... guess... I did well today?!?

Action = Reaction, right?  Every deed has its consequence, right?  Meh.  What do I know?!

P.S.  Should I cross charge Gateway for hosting a majority of the meeting today?!?  ;-) 

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